Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fire 07/12 - 07/18 (Josh)

Originally I thought of doing an awesome sunset picture that made the sky look like it was on FIRE. However we already had done sunset as the first idea of MicroTography, so to not repeat myself, I decided to do something a little more conventional.

A conventional oven that is! hehe Ok, ok, so growing up we always had electric ovens, and the one we current have at our house has these cool even flames breathing out. I captured two shots that I liked.

The yellowish-orangish flash on the right was that the flames floating on the top of the oven while set on broil would hit something flamable and flash as it burn out the energy. I stared for awhile to grab one.

Here I did more of an angle, which made it very reminiscent of a bird or plane with the glow of the oven light illuminating it as the sun rises.

1 comment:

  1. Those blue flames remind me of Star Trek for some reason...
