Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fire 07/12 - 07/18 (Josh)

Originally I thought of doing an awesome sunset picture that made the sky look like it was on FIRE. However we already had done sunset as the first idea of MicroTography, so to not repeat myself, I decided to do something a little more conventional.

A conventional oven that is! hehe Ok, ok, so growing up we always had electric ovens, and the one we current have at our house has these cool even flames breathing out. I captured two shots that I liked.

The yellowish-orangish flash on the right was that the flames floating on the top of the oven while set on broil would hit something flamable and flash as it burn out the energy. I stared for awhile to grab one.

Here I did more of an angle, which made it very reminiscent of a bird or plane with the glow of the oven light illuminating it as the sun rises.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fire 07/12 - 07/18 (Mel)

I was out of ideas and decided to take a pic of a candle.
I liked this one in which I am blowing in the candle an instant before it died

Monday, July 19, 2010

Fire 07/12 - 07/18 (Pere)

Literally, Fire.

Campfire we had going whilst camping. I like how sharp the picture came out although there was hardly any light.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Fire 07/12 - 07/18 (Jaime)

This is during "Fantasmic" on our trip to Disney.

Can you spot Mickey Mouse?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Group 07/05 - 07/11 (Jaime)

We took the kids to Disneyland this past week, and right before we left i took this shot as I saw thousands of people walking down main street on the way to the exit.

Group 07/05 - 07/11 (Pere)

Group of shells we found in the beach, we did not arrange them, someone else went through the trouble for us

Group 07/05 - 07/11 (Sara)

My friend recently got married and had these little topiaries as table card holders. I thought they were too cute, so I ended up taking 10 of them... hehe :) I don't really use them... but I'm holding out for a reason.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

On the Ground 06/28 - 07/04 (Jaime)

This is a picture of the kid's baseball bat after playing outside.

On the Ground 06/28 - 07/04 (Josh)

As you may have heard, I just moved to Reston with fellow MicroTographer, Sara Lee.

When we first came and looked at this place the Realtor told us that it seems like one of the other Realtors had opened the glass patio door and then left it open for a few days, potentially even weeks. Well, this meant that of course some bugs made their way in, and as a bug's life goes, died shortly thereafter.

Hence the theme of my photo. So I gathered up three different types of bugs and quickly arranged them. I like this one because the center bug is in a perfect angle to show the little extremities frozen into the sky. As dead as it gets.

Friday, July 9, 2010

On the Ground 06/28 - 07/04 (Sara)

Better late than never!

For my 'on the ground' picture, I noticed Miso being ultra cute while sitting on the ground, and used the 'live view' function on my camera to take this picture.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

On the Ground 06/28 - 07/04 (Pere)

Another vacation another 100 or so pictures of animals... it seems we are becoming quite wild reporters Maraea and I :D

We took a few from the ground, literally, partly because we were in the beach we couldn’t bother to stand up to take the pictures partly to full fill this week’s theme.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

On the Ground 06/28 - 07/04 (Mel)

In my trip to Japan, I spent a night in a Ryokan (Traditional Japanese style hotel) and we had Tatami floors.

I decided I want tatami floors in my house.